Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bacon Rules!

Did you know that there's a bacon-lovers group with a website called the "Royal Bacon Society?" On the site they talk of bacon brownies, bacon beer, bacon Elvis cookies, and a whole slew of bacon-related merchandise. They even have a Facebook page!

I totally get it because I adore bacon. Its my favorite protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I make excuses all the time to make breakfast for dinner, just so I can cook me up some bacon!

Last night Brenda suggested we have some BLTs for dinner. I jumped up and started breaking into a fresh package of thick bacon and promptly placed six strips on the microwave plate to start the process (I'm not a fan of frying bacon because of the mess it leaves on the stove afterward--a cover over the microwave plate cleans up nicely!).

Burger King Bacon Sundae
We had lunch yesterday at Burger King, and promptly displayed on the counter was an advertisement for their Bacon Sundae. Yep, I get it: sweet, salty and crunchy, with that smokey bacon goodness--all in one beautiful package!

I'm a sausage guy, too, but bacon takes the top-spot in my breakfast pantheon of food. There's something about the aroma that brings me back to the days when my family went camping, and the smell of frying bacon on the old green Coleman stove in the broad open spaces of the mountains around Big Bear, California, that made an indelible memory that is vivid today. For generations my family saved bacon grease (the stuff never seemed to spoil!) in a jar to later flavor cornbread and green beans.

My family is Southern all the way and bacon sits prominently in the place of honor among foods with us. That's probably because hogs were slaughtered in the fall and bacon was cured--just like all parts of a pig were back in the day--salted or smoked for later consumption. My ancestors might not have been financially rich, but we never went hungry on account of all the wonderful foods that were canned, smoked or pickled.

Bacon rocks--that's something I'm gonna be politically incorrect about, no matter what!

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