Friday, January 20, 2012

Speed Bumps

Speed bumps can be a hassle. You've got to slow down and take it easy going over them or driving too fast could cause your car to fall apart right there in the roadway.  That's one way to look at it.

My dad and I were talking about the speed bumps that God allows in our lives. They're not placed haphazardly or randomly; they come in all sizes and are placed in the roadway of our lives to help us.

Most of the time we rush through life without noticing the scenery, smelling the roses or pondering the many blessings around us. Sometimes a speed bump comes in a variety of "difficulties" like  health problems or financial challenges. Whatever the situation, we are forced to slow down and pay attention to our bodies, spending habits, relationships and especially our relationship with God.

Most of the time life's speed bumps pop up while everything seems to be going well. The warning might be a blessing in disguise as God gives us the opportunity to stop, look and listen. Sometimes potential dangers are up ahead and we have no clue.

So when something interrupts our lives, God may be trying to get our attention. We may never know when it'll happen, but if a speed bump appears up ahead, it's better to slow down and make adjustments. Thank God for those pesky things--they save lives!

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