Monday, February 13, 2012

The Artist: Redemption

The first five words of the Bible are: "In the beginning God created..." As creative people, we actually follow in our Creator's footsteps. God gave specific orders to Adam, the first human being, to make up names for the animals (Genesis 2:19). As far as I can see in the Bible, God never jumped in to intervene. I never read where God said, "Adam, are you sure that's a good name for so and so?" He gave Adam dominion over the animals (Genesis 1:26-27). The Creator gave Adam a partner, Eve (Genesis 2:19b-22), and told them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). It was an incredible trust that God gave to Adam and Eve, but through disobedience, that trust was betrayed (Genesis 3). Even today, we, Adam's descendants. are free to make choices and decisions. The problem is, we must all take responsibility for the choices we make, and face the consequences.

Our need for God hasn't changed since Adam and Eve left the Garden. Their descendants have inherited this God-need and people today are still looking to fill the vacuum in their hearts with many things--all of which don't compare to a true relationship with God. Creativity itself will never fill the God-void. Its only when we come back to the Creator, establish a personal relationship with Him through the blood of Jesus and become  Christ-followers, that we ever find true peace and purpose in our lives.

At the point of redemption (God paid our sin's ransom through Jesus' death and resurrection), our journey as creative people is properly aligned with the great creative force that exists in God. He wants to use us to do great things in His Kingdom, with His people, and to glorify His name. I believe the "sky's the limit" for our creativity as Christians. We are not doomed to produce milquetoast, goody-goody works of art for our Lord, but are free to find and use the coolest forms of artistic expression that lead humanity to our great God. 

Receiving God's grace and redemption is the true beginning of our creative journey. May God show Himself mightily as you seek to be the artist God created you to be. 

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