Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Song In the Night

Two nights ago I woke at 3:45 AM with a song that wouldn't go away. Funny, it was one I never heard before. I decided to get up, go to my studio, spark up the Mac and, with my acoustic, begin to make sense of the melody that was rolling around in my head.

As I wrote recently, I can easily lose a song that comes to me in a dream. This time the tune was so persistent it wouldn't take "later" for an answer. I remember the same thing happened when I wrote "Garments of Praise." That song came to me when I was going through an emotionally tough time. I sang the lyric and melody in my mind as I pondered Isaiah 61:3. It was so comforting in that even as I was feeling lousy, by focusing on God's view of my situation, I could actually feel hope and relief.

The same thing happened the other night. I was dreaming about being in a worship service at our church. This time I wasn't leading worship but was in the congregation. I was imagining that we were gathered at the altar, waiting for the Spirit of the Lord to fall. Actually, it was similar to the Biblical scene from Isaiah 6 where the prophet saw the Lord high and lifted up, the train of His robe filling the temple. The phrase "saints and angels singing together" came to my mind. That was it! I had a song.

Again, it doesn't happen as often as I would like, but I'll take the early-morning interruption of sleep to jot down this inspiration from heaven.

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