Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Day To Remember

Today marks our 25th wedding anniversary. Brenda and I walked down the aisle--flanked by Christmas trees decorated with white doves--a quarter of a century ago, this evening. We were joined by family and friends from all over the US. South Alabama in December is mild, and the atmosphere in the church gym that night was as romantic as we could make it; we tried to distract attention from the basketball goals in the background, but we just couldn't hide them. That night, two kids made a promise that we both consider to be our best decision in life-- second only to following Christ. We celebrate today as we behold our two great kids and their spouses. The blessings we have seen unfold over time is proof that God has been very good to us.

Happy anniversary, Sweetheart.

Today is also a sad one as two of my dear friends are being buried--one in Mobile, Alabama and another in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. They didn't know each other, but they both had a big impact on my life. Brenda wrote some tender thoughts in her blog yesterday about their passing and the memories that remain:

Auld Lang Syne

I'm sitting here listening to Al Green, once again, and rehearsing the sad notes of the week. My DH lost two good friends this week, both good men who loved their kids and contributed much to the world. One friend, Danny, goes way back to when my daughter was born (she's 22). He was our pastor then, and our friend. Our kids spent countless hours before, during and after church running up and down the pews and around the church parking lot, waiting for their parents to quit talking and take them home!

The other fellow, David, is a new friend whom my husband often shared lunch with on weekdays when the two would get together with another fellow and talk 'real guy' talk. They shared Popsicles, hamburgers and inside jokes. David was full of wisdom and candor, and always left my husband encouraged after their visits.

Both of these departed men will be sorely missed.

A friend can't really be replaced, once lost. There's no price tag, and no value for insurance purposes. They are one of a kind and should be appreciated when they're around, since you never know when they'll be gone.

The holidays are a terrible time to lose a loved one.

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