Friday, April 20, 2012

Photos In the Attic

Josh & Betsy, North Carolina, 1991
Rummaging through the attic this week, Brenda came across some jewels. Somehow a stack of photos have been sitting up there for years. It's no coincidence that on the 15th anniversary of my mom's passing we would find some of the greatest pictures of Mom and the kids together.

As I said in my last post, life goes by so quickly and, if we're not careful, we might miss the significance of precious little moments. Trying to raise two kids 13 months apart on a college student's income was tough--just ask Brenda! When everything was happening it was daunting. But memories seem to take the rough edges off, and seeing the photos were a joy.

Betsy has been married to Adam for almost three years now; I am so proud of her and the life she is living. Josh, the oldest, will soon celebrate two years of marriage with Amber, and their first child is due in October.

Josh, Brenda and Betsy today
Both of our children seem to have survived our ignorance and failures as young parents. Our biggest goal then was to get to the next step. As the kids grew, the pace picked up and, before you know it, here we are.

Just an encouragement to young parent: Don't hurry through these times. I know it's difficult, but savor each moment if you can. One day you'll find photos in your attic and you won't believe how they've all grown up and gone.

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