Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Dance of Grace

I took my daily walk yesterday and, while enjoying the exercise, I listened to the new CD that Glen Campbell just released called "Ghost on the Canvas." I was drawn to a stand-out song on the CD called "It's Your Amazing Grace." The final lyric caught my attention as these words trailed out at the end of the song: "...Your amazing grace keeps us together."

Because of our familiarity with the old hymn, the phrase "amazing grace" can sail right over our heads if we're not careful. But if we stop to ponder the word grace--unmerited or unearned favor--we are again drawn to this incredible, "amazing" offer of redemption from God: He buys us back out of slavery into fellowship with Himself through the blood of His Son. We are arrogant to think that, as sinful humans, we could ever uphold our part of this amazing offer of grace through our own wit or strength. It is only by His work--His invitation, sacrifice, forgiveness and justification--that our salvation is even possible. No human effort could ever bring about this salvation; no human effort could ever maintain it.

When I take a walk, it would be ludicrous to suppose that my exercise regime is the reason my heart beats. Rather, my walking is a conscious effort to cooperate with God to keep my heart healthy. It is only by the grace of God (the beat keeper) that my heart pumps blood and my lungs breathe. So, we should be very careful to distinguish between God's grace and our cooperation as followers of Christ. He leads the dance. The New Living Translation version of Ephesians 2:9 aptly states: "Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it."

Truly, it is only God's grace that glues together the relationship between God and man. I am only a humble, cooperative servant who, in obedience, walks one foot in front of the other toward God's call. I believe that God holds onto us and not the reverse. Likewise, I also believe that we must, as James 4:8 states: "Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded (NIV)." We must repent from sin and draw near to Him; that is our part in this dance of Grace.

I was blessed recently by reading this profound statement: "The cross is the sign that God has solved all the world’s problems without requiring a single human being to do a single religious thing."

I thank God for fresh air, time alone with Him, and the exercise I get while walking the loop around my neighborhood. I especially thank God for the words that caught my ear on the new Glen Campbell CD, reminding me that His amazing grace is what keeps our relationship together...He's holding onto me!

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