Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Surprise Me, God!

I have taken a bit of a rest this summer. With the beginning of June commencing the hiatus, Brenda and I took a radical turn from a seven-year career trajectory. We made the decision at the end of May to embark on a radical adventure--one that many would call foolish. Mom always said, "Don't end something unless you have something to immediately take it's place." Well mom, this time I went with my gut and totally disobeyed your teaching.

I left my position as a worship leader and decided to hit "reset" on my career, life direction and the resultant future. This time I am leaving it completely up to God to redirect my steps. You see, I am very good at making my own way. I have a street-fighter hunger to dominate my circumstances so that things will go my way. I've been hungry enough at times to lean-in hard to get what I want--to do whatever it takes to get what I have my "tractor beam" desire set upon. The trouble is, with that mindset I usually meet with failure as my plans take a nose-dive and spiral out of control. Don't we all have the propensity to be lord of our own lives?

This time I want to be a complete fool and let God choose the direction for me!

What the world calls wise (calculating risks, cautious forward movement, get what you can while you can) doesn't ring true to me. I am tired of going for what I want and am willing to say, "God, surprise me!" If I sound like my life before May, 2011 was just a selfish journey, then I have not clearly communicated. God has been in most of what I have accomplished, even though I've made mistakes. What I mean to say is: I am tired of trying to figure everything out; I am throwing it all up in the air and, like Christ-following faith-walkers of the past, am willing to see what God has in store.

I don't believe that my creative endeavors of the past will be affected, although if God wants to make changes, I'm cool with it. All I know right now is that there are songs and books to write, music to make, a family to love and support, and most importantly, a Lord to trust, follow and worship. Beyond that, the sky's the limit.

Surprise me, God!

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