Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Time Keeps On Tickin', Tickin', Tickin'

The secret to Brenda and I being married for 25 years is directly related to the fact that she is absolutely gorgeous and I have tons of money...No, really, the actual thing that keeps us together, besides God’s grace and Brenda’s patience, is that we accept one anothers quirky habits. I have many, she only has one or two.

The one similar quirk we share relates to time. Hers is general--mine is specific. Brenda loves calendars and I love clocks and wrist watches. Every area in our home where Brenda presides (she allows me to keep an office/studio upstairs), there is an accompanying calender. Some are plain and functional, others are whimsical and full of color and witty statements. She is very organized and likes to have things laid out in order--in advance. I respectfully assume that it’s her way of enjoying a bit of stability and order, quelling unexpected life-interruptions. This doesn’t contradict the fact that she is a woman of faith, though. She’s game when God (and life) throws a curve. She swings and usually knocks the ball out of the park!

My infatuation with time pieces come from a less noble place. They just look cool to me. I like the atomic variety which pick up radio signals from a far-away antennae in Colorado and sets their time automatically at 2 in the morning--right to the exact second. My bedside alarm clock is atomic and has saved me a time or two when I forgot to spring forward or fall back before hitting the pillow. I also love watches because they are one of the only accessories that dudes can get away with collecting and not being considered metro-sexual.

If watches, clocks and calendars are an attempt to bring control into our lives, we haven’t been very successful. Still, life hurls itself upon us and we must trust God for the outcome, not our schemes or plans. It is my duty as a Christ-follower to be a responsible citizen in His kingdom--making good, sound choices for His glory on a daily basis. All things considered, time has been good to us.

Brenda is certainly gorgeous. Me, I am happy to live off the crumbs that fall from her table . She makes me look good and brings great blessing to my life and that of her family and friends. As we turn another calendar page and witness the hand of time reach into another day, month and season, the next 25 years of our quirkiness looks promising. Whatever comes our way, I know the ride is gonna continue to be well planned...and on time.

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