Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's Not Too Late

The recent news of legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno's alleged involvement in a terrible controversy is proof that it's not too late, at the age of 84, to suffer the consequences of a bad decision...if that's what the evidence brings to light.

Some people make their big mistakes early in life, and the painful experience creates an indelible impression that helps them steer-clear of controversy later on. Some folks, like a few Presidential candidates of late, and within the past decade, have tried to hide bad behavior, only to have to answer for it when they become a public figure.

I am amazed that Billy Graham, who celebrates his 93rd birthday this week, has been able to uphold his good reputation. I read somewhere that he would have an assistant search his hotel room for female stowaways before he entered for the night. He would also cover the hotel TV with a face towel, weighted by his Bible, to avoid the temptation to make poor viewing decisions.

We all do stupid stuff as kids. I have said things to people (or have not said things I should have) that I regret to this day. I have taken the easy-route too many times. I have sought God's forgiveness more often than I can count for unacceptable behavior which, in most instances, was done while I was fully aware of it. God's patience with me is amazing!

The problem is, and I say it again: It's not too late to mess up a life filled with winning streaks. One bad move and past triumphs get eclipsed by a single error in judgement. It would be wrong to play the judge and jury against head coach Paterno, but it is a warning that each of us should heed: It's not too late...

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