Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pots, Pans and Romance

The Christmas celebration isn't over until all the dishes are washed and put back in their resting place. If you're like me, you can't even bear to go to bed with dirty dishes waiting to be dealt with in the morning. I even like the stove and counter tops to be shiny when I turn off the kitchen light. Brenda and I made a deal a long time ago: she cooks and I clean up. It has worked well for us thus far.

The problem some marriages encounter is a lack of cooperation on the husband's part to help the wife in the kitchen. I'm not saying that I am any kind of example for other guys to follow, but a slew of marital problems would cease to exist if we dudes got off of our lazy backside to help around the house. They say that romance starts in the kitchen; it's about time we test that adage!

Many times our high standards can be a hindrance, especially during the Holidays. We want so bad to impress our friends and family that we stress ourselves out of the joy of the season. This year Brenda and I decided that we would give each other a break and offer dinner in a casual way: serve-yourself with paper plates. It certainly saved me a boat-load of work after dinner. The clean-up was almost instantaneous; all I had left were the pots and pans, with a stove and counters to polish. Sometimes giving each other a break can remedy frustration. Our wives deserve to sit down and visit with company too.

So gentlemen, listen closely: be the first to get up from the table and carry the dishes and serving bowls to the sink--commence kitchen clean-up duty, and make it a nightly habit. If paper and plastic help to make the season bright, then so be it. I guarantee, married life will begin to improve....even before the New Year begins!

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