Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Turning 50

Sally O'Malley, Molly Shannon's character from Saturday Night Live, breaks onto the stage and announces, "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Sally O'Malley. I'm proud to say I'm fifty years old, I'm not one of those gals who likes to hide her age. And I like to kick! Stretch! And kick! I'm fifty! Fifty years old, ladies and gentlemen, fifty years old! Fifty years old!"

I'm turning 50 this week. It doesn't seem like 10 years since I gathered with friends at a party decorated in black--receiving gifts relating to old-age and being the blunt of over-the-hill gags. 40 was kid's stuff. It's funny how I seem to have caught a second wind since then. A serious health warning from your physician helps you to realize it's time to quit playing games and stop giving into failing eyesight, bad eating habits and general slothfulness.

50 ain't so bad, especially when you have a great looking wife, the kids are married, and you have a few more bucks in your pocket than when you were still raising kids and trying to figure out what you were gonna do when you grew up. I guess it's the age when you finally come to terms with your dreams and reality. I can truly say that I am living way beyond my dreams.

The great thing about our journey-- marrying young, having kids right away, and often times choosing the difficult route--is that we made a conscious decision to travel down a unique, yet rewarding road. We could never have dreamed of the places we would go and the sweet life that we have lived so far. A lot of it has been very challenging but it lead us to where we are today. We are humbled at the generosity of God--great kids, health, and plenty of youthful spirit to keep people guessing our age.

So, on Saturday I can shout, "...fifty years old, ladies and gentlemen, fifty years old! Fifty years old...and I'm just getting started!"

1 comment:

  1. You do not look 50 at all and every age is a new life experience. You and your family are so blessed! Happy Birthday!

    In Christ,
    Chris kalbaugh
