Monday, September 13, 2010

When Movie Stars Look Their Age

Lord, help us! I just saw a photo montage on a popular website that had the heading: When Movie Stars Lose Their Looks. Clicking through the pictures, I realized that I was older than many of the stars on the list. Brenda says women have always been aware that, when in public, someone is always watching and, God forbid, may be wielding a camera. So, as she asserts, if you don't wanna get caught looking like a frump, go out in public with your makeup on.

I have been known to drag the trash cans to the curb in my pajamas. There is something acceptable about it (to me anyway...). I make it a rule, though, to never drive my car in night clothes because wearing them beyond the front yard is "trailer park" in my rule book. I am always amused to see ladies with curlers bouncing and slippers scraping the floor when I go to the store. Where does their radius of concern begin: 5 miles from home; 10 miles? I mean, how far into the public do some folks wander before they see the need to put on actual clothes?

Looking at the star photos, I am elated. Without makeup, fancy clothes and Photoshop, these people look pretty average. Some of these high-profile fame junkies need a rest, too. They think a big floppy hat and Jackie O sunglasses hide the real deal--giving them a few seconds out of their 15 minutes of fame to look skanky. Even if they try with all their might, their hands will tell the truth. It is tough to hide our real age from that part of our bodies (I like to look for women with the proverbial, Seinfeld-labeled "man hands." You can pull your face back over your skull and tie it in a knot with plastic surgery, but it's hard to fake youth when reality is right there, staring at you, on the top-side your weathered hands).

There, I have vented this morning's frustration. I am glad to know that to be human is to be imperfect. We all have blemishes--some more than others. It's comforting to know that some of the most glamorous movie stars, away from all the smoke and mirrors, haven't actually lost their looks, they just look their age.

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