Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Faces. No, I'm not talking about Rod Stewart's early band, but the thing that glares back at us in the bathroom mirror.

Mom's face is the first thing a child sees in this world (second to the scary men and women wearing funny, surgical outfits). We look to see if someone is pleased or annoyed with us by their facial expressions. I'm lousy at the "poker face" because what you see on my mug is probably what's going on in my head. People say I smile a lot--especially when I'm playing my guitar and singing. I am not aware of it, but they can see by my face that I really enjoy what I do.

I was watching a show recently where people were caught on tape, by a night-vision camera, as they walked through a Halloween haunted house. It's hard to hide your frightened facial contortions when a costumed ghoul jumps out at you from a dark corner. It's also difficult to hide when an expert in human behavior analyzes whether you are lying or telling the truth through subtle facial responses when answering a question.

All in all, our faces tell our story. I ran across some photos of inanimate objects that really tease the brain. They aren't Disney anthropomorphic characters--but real, every-day things we might miss if we are in a hurry. I thought you might get a kick out of them, too.

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