Monday, October 25, 2010

The Harvest

It rained last night--probably the first time our soil has seen significant moisture in two months. Our lawn has taken a serious hit this summer. We made the decision to prepare the lawn for seeding in the fall by doing severe weed killing and fertilizing from the beginning of spring until now. The only thing that we've gleaned up to this point is a desert in the front yard. The poor lawn looks like a guy losing his hair. The only difference is that a lawn can't do a comb-over. There are spots in our front yard that look so pitiful, I've almost given up hope.

A buddy of mine who owns a landscaping business said to call him in October and he'll come over and make an estimate on aerating and seeding the lawn. He assured me that in the process the seeds will stay in the ground via a device called the super-seeder. It sounds dangerous...that's why I want to watch from the sidelines when he pulls that sucker off his trailer. He can't promise me anything, but if all goes as planned, and I do my job as the lawn daddy this winter, I just might be playing golf on the new turf by early summer (high hopes!).

I have made efforts in my personal and professional life over several months where, like the lawn, I hope to see a harvest from all the effort expended. My pesky flesh struggles with delayed gratification. I'm smart enough not to side with my inner child, but rather to take the adult route and wait for the harvest, knowing that good things come to those who are somewhat patient. I can get fidgety in the process, but I know that if I prepare the "soil," plant the "seed," and nurture it with prayer, I'll enjoy a bountiful harvest that only God can bring.

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