Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pretty When It's New

Merle Haggard has an extraordinary way with words. He has crafted many a hit that still find their way, via his greatest hits releases, into my iPod. As a master songwriter, his material should be studied by future songsmiths. Today I was listening through his new release called, I Am What I Am. In his 76th album, this 73 year old sings about love from an old and wise perspective, and says in a recent interview with American Songwriter magazine , “I’ve seen it all, and I’ve seen it go away.” His wife Teresa joins him on many of the tunes, one of which caught my heart when I first heard it:

Pretty When It's New

Love’s always lovely, when first two lovers meet.
Hand in hand, arm in arm, walkin’ down the street.
Always seen together, in everything they do.
Love is always pretty, when it’s new.

Love is always special, especially to the heart.
When it’s love on sight, and all is right, and there’s no doubt from the start.
Before it starts to crumble, there’ll be many shades of blue.
Ah, but love is always pretty when it’s new.

Love is always pretty, when it’s new.
Hey, there’s nothing bad about it, ‘til your lover says, “We’re through.”
Old love’s even sweeter, that old saying’s really true.
Love is always pretty when it’s new.
It's a sad commentary on our society when the statistic remains that half of all marriages fail. I heard that warning a lot when I was dating Brenda. People would say, "You better be sure before you take the plunge." The truth is, we all go into marriage with a bright hope for tomorrow, and plan to grow old and gray together. Somewhere along the road, some couples just find that life will be better splitting up and heading in different directions. Haggard's song says it well, "Love is always pretty, when it’s new. Hey, there’s nothing bad about it, ‘til your lover says, 'We’re through'." The only advice I can give potential partners is that marriage is a series of decisions made along the way in the interest of staying together on the same path. Feelings don't always accompany those moments of decision, but they will follow if given time. I heard it said that there's no better mate than the one you already have. That sounds rough to those in a marital crisis. But when you bring your old baggage to a new marriage, and factor in the blended family with all of it's challenges, you are better off working at sticking together.

I've been a witness to a 50 year love affair between my parents. Brenda's folks celebrated their 50th last December. Yes, love is exciting and invigorating when it's shiny and new. But, as the song implies in it's closing stanza, "Old love’s even sweeter, that old saying’s really true." As Brenda and I reach our 25th anniversary this December, I can say, "Amen," to that, Mr. Haggard. I am still madly in love.

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