Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Smoke and Mirrors

One thing that sticks in my craw every time is a liar. A TV show that Brenda watches regularly, and I join her from time to time, is Lie To Me. The stories surround an FBI/CIA-type operation with a lead guy who is an über-educated behavioral scientist. His goal is to catch criminals through the study of deceptive facial and body moves. The episodes have taught me to look closely at a person's reaction to a question or an accusation. It's hard to lie when the truth is hidden in our physical behavior. Sometimes it's easy to spot a liar. But it would be handy to have an encyclopedia of deceptive behaviors close at hand when dealing with professional dupers. Brenda has a natural gift of spotting fibbers, and she doesn't need an encyclopedia.

I have a strong sense of justice, but Brenda's is stronger. We both have zero tolerance for folks who'll steal your grandmother blind while they are helping her across the street. But the difference between me and my wife is that she has the skill of spotting a liar a mile away. I guess it's a defense mechanism from being duped way too many times. I pray that someday I will have half the skill she has acquired.

I came across a photo today that shows the ultimate deception. Since I am a guitar player, and this deception involves a bold-faced lie from the stage, I wanted to share it with you so you might get as big a laugh about it as I did. If you are not a musician, you may not see the deception. In rock and roll, bigger is better. But with huge PA systems available, you don't need a Marshall stack any more to be heard. Check out the smoke and mirrors!
Thanks to Bret Teegarden

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