Saturday, April 3, 2010

Got it, Flaunt it!

As you can gather by now, I am in the midst of change. Yesterday, as I was showering, I said to myself, "Self, you need to shave off your mustache and goatee today." I revved up my Norelco and uncovered a stranger hiding underneath. The first thing I saw was my brother, Jon, who, although being younger and taller, there in my bathroom mirror. I haven't seen my face in probably twenty years. I went to Easter rehearsal last night and treasured the reactions of my worship team mates. Hiding in plain sight is something most of us do. Many are unaware.

Jack Nicholson and rock stars hide behind sunglasses. Some of us hide behind black-colored clothes, thinking that black will disguise the fact that they are wearing a 4X sized t-shirt. Come on, man, we all know the truth! Some hide behind big homes and cars. Some are hiding insecurity behind gruff, business-like behavior. I like the guy who, even though imperfect, lets everyone in on his painted, full-figured physique at the football game.

Today, as I go out into the world clean-shaven, I will be showing all of the rosy colored truth: I am my age and I'm cool with it. I have a long way to go... Any way, "If you've got it, flaunt it," my Dad would say!


  1. This post made me laugh. I am still trying to accept that I am really in my fifties now! I hide behind makeup and I can assure you that you will NOT be seeing my freshly washed face any time soon! LOL.

    I think you would enjoy a book I just read: "How Much More Longer?" by Steve Elder. He lives in Murfreesboro (attends New Vision). It's a quick read and the overall message is about being who we truly are (not hiding) and letting people know us as we are (including our struggles). He tells his story and shares a lot about his journey. He is a few years behind us in age, but well into his forties. Anyway, your comments brougt his book to mind. By the way, you are making me very curious as to what's going on with you guys and I assume you will reveal more detail as time goes on. I'll keep reading. See you tonight at MTSU!

  2. Thanks, Shari...Brenda has your new book...I'm next!
