Saturday, April 10, 2010

Scents of Summer

As I was passing through the backyard on my second grass cutting of the season, Brenda asked, "Have you smelled the blossoms on the apple tree yet?" It smelled wonderful and reminded me of the scents that came out in the spring and summer of my childhood years in Fullerton, California.

The most poignant memory is that of Coppertone suntan lotion mixed with salt air. My dad took us to the beach often in the summer. I am so blessed to have been brought up in the land of the surfer. Much of that reputation is a myth which persuaded many families to move west in search of a "better" life. I remember the beach bums would stay all day, go home for a shower and a meal, and return for the evening, sitting around an open fire pit on the beach. Nobody stayed inside in those days!

Another memory is that of the Night Blooming Jasmine outside my bedroom window. Because southern California is so mild, we never had an air conditioner in the house until my dad installed a window unit in the den when I was in high school. I would wind the window over the bed out about four inches and let the cool, sweet smell of Jasmine waft through the screen while I slept.

I went to elementary school right next to Hunt Foods. On warm days the smell of ketchup being cooked and processed permeated our town. What a treat...and it was free!

Another smell is one that has gotten me in trouble over the years. I now have to ignore it because the scent lures me into it's deadly, greasy grasp and I fall victim to it's pleasures. That is the wonderful smell of McDonald's (aren't you impressed with my opulent taste!) . One of the first restaurants from the company's 1960's super expansion was planted just a few minutes walk from my home. Classes from my school would visit each year to peer behind the counter into the mysterious world beyond. I love the smell of hamburgers and fries as they sizzle and fry because whenever we went to Disneyland or Knott's Berry Farm, the smell of fast food was intoxicating. I will have to admit that, to this day, I love to travel because I get to go out to eat a lot. I guess, because we didn't eat out very often as a family, for economic reasons, restaurant food brings a feeling of luxury and security (bad combo for a food-addict!).

Another scent that brings joy is the smell of fresh-cut grass. I really do enjoy cutting the lawn along with bringing the finishing touch of edging. That was my job around the house as a kid. My dad always showed his appreciation afterward by handing me a Snickers and a Coke (another harmful combo: snacks used as praise!) I do complain at times before I do it but deep inside it brings a satisfaction that is difficult to explain. It was 13 years ago on April 19th while getting my lawn mower fixed up for the season when I got the news that my mother died.

My memories take me back to when my mother, young and beautiful, would shoo us out of the house to play in the yard or at a friend's house. How I long to return there at times. Sometimes the quickest mode of transportation back in time is when a scent of summer takes us there.

Smell those burgers a fryin'! The Fosters Freeze in Hawthorne, CA where the Beach Boys hung out and the song "Fun, Fun, Fun" (...daddy took the T-bird away...) was inspired (that's my brother, Jon, making an order at the window).

1 comment:

  1. California Dreamin' ~
    Fosters Freeze was the SoCal equivalent of DQ. I remember it well. I also miss being able to visit Disneyland or Knott's any time I want to go. I could relate to so much of this post, since I also grew up in California and spent the first 33 years of my life there. And I must admit that I also look forward to great food and eating out any time we go anywhere! By the way, I think you look great with the clean shaven face. And I could tell you had lost weight Saturday night. Keep up the good work!
